
There are some indispensable shrubs that are must haves for early pollinator support in the home landscape. Of course, size and exposure can limit use of some of these great woody plants but here are some examples of woody shrubs that provide a great source of pollen along with other support that is crucial to native birds and pollinators.
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Trees are an essential part of any pollinator supporting garden and tend to be overlooked. Why? Great question! Maybe it is because we take them for granted because trees feel so ‘long term’ and not a part of the eye level landscape view. Whatever the reason, trees are so crucial to any native pollinator supporting garden, it may be time to rethink native trees and make a better effort to include them in our overall landscape thoughts and plans.
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It is true…many American Beauties Native Plants® are for the birds. There are numerous American Beauties Native Plants® that are crucial when it comes to attracting birds to the home landscape by providing shelter as well as food sources to keep them healthy throughout the year. It is definitely hard to narrow this list down but here are four suggestions that every bird lover’s landscape should contain or reference our complete list of “Native Plants for Birds Collection”.
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